Will to choose a Life, and not just a Lifestyle


In today’s world, are we just keeping ourselves busy
without really finding a life. Purposeful living is the
answer. One of the human endowments is the Free Will ,
the capacity to think and act unencumbered .The power
of independent action and choice. In the words of Henry
David Thoreau , ‘I went to the woods because I wished to
live deliberately--- and not , when I came to die , discover
that I had not lived’. Lifestyle purveyors abound .The
market place is filled with those things that give you a
makeover and a personality, if you call it so. From cars
to designer homes and holidays abroad , there is much in
waiting for the discerning and the well heeled . Be all you
can be, an inward orientation that brings out the best in
you . Not just to respond to situations & circumstances
based on the resources . But in discovering yourself ,
the uniqueness that is you . We may have to look away
from the market place though . Life’s biggest joys are the
simplest, simple triumphs of everyday living, in trying to
excel in the tasks at hand.

Differentiation and Integration are two processes that
underlie the capacity to achieve a happy and meaningful
life. It’s a paradoxical proposition, nevertheless the two
aspects are compatible . Differentiation involves

realizing that we are unique individuals , responsible for
our own survival and well being , who are willing to
develop this uniqueness wherever it leads. Integration
involves the realization that
however unique we are we are also completely enmeshed
in relationships with other human beings with culture and
the environment . As one former CEO had observed
“My definition of being successful is contributing
something to the world around and being happy doing it’.
To be successful you have to enjoy doing your best at the
same time contributing to something beyond yourself .
If a leader can make a convincing case that working for
the organisation can provide relevance , that it will take
the workers out of the shell of their mortal frames , that it
will connect them with something more meaningful, then
his vision will generate power and people will naturally be
attracted to working for such a company.

Few people who are Entrepreneurs , Artists , Writers,
Sportspersons, all have the benefit of pursuing careers
that are challenging yet fulfilling as it is well matched to
their skills and talents. You are living your vocation. It is
worth remembering that the organization you are working
will shape your entire identity. It will either enable you to
grow or stunt you . It will strengthen your values or make
you cynical. Many enter their first job still unsure of what
they want to be and of their skills and it is their experience

at work during this period that is likely to
the direction in which they will go professionally . If

the first job doesn’t work it is
better you continue your search than stick it out in a dead
end situation. Look for your passion, go towards
companies you really admire where your God given talents
will be best used . Your values and skills should find
expression. A lifetime career is not what you should seek
instead a job where you can study and grow.

Work should not be everything in life although it gives
you that identity. All work and no play makes ----------- .
One should also have interests outside work , if one has to
balance Work and Life . Setting Performance goals
and high standards for oneself , no matter how
uninteresting the tasks may be can help achieve flow in the
job. When the challenge encountered is matched with the
skills, the outcome can be greatly satisfying . There is
absolute control over their activity and the feedback
gives the one who performs the ability to modify and adapt
to the needs . Striving for excellence does not necessarily
demand that one become the best in one’s field. For many
it means simply to do one’s personal best. Ultimately what
makes a result excellent is that it goes beyond what you
would have expected given the available resources . That
way you end up surprising yourself .

-Bijoy Joseph

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