life. Sometimes it may bring Positive and sometimes Negative. We have no power on these
events. We can neither predict nor prevent as It occurs spontaneously.Last week I went
to see my friend's mother who was admitted in a hospital for cancer treatment. During our
conversation she frequently asked " why me? ". We have to face these type of questions
frequently in our daily life ,but what is the answer ?
When the events are positive, we enjoy and boast to take the sole responsibility for it,
But when they are negative we ask "Why me?". We frown and feel ourselves a weak one,
Some even take the cowardice decision of suicide to escape from the negative impact of
it.(A report of world health organisation WHO indicates that India has one of the highest
suicide rates in world wide)
Why are these events happening in human life? can we predict or prevent them
Science mentions these Events as "PROBABILITIES". For example,Take some coffee
seeds in a glass and drop them in a floor. The seeds will scatter anomalous. In this action
you can't assume or predict that, how will the seeds scatter? Every seeds scatter in a
different way. Even if you repeat this action, every time the seeds will scatter in a different
way from the previous action. This is "probability".
In science, there are probability theories and maths to assume probability events but they
are not accurate and also you can do probability maths only in the actions which you are
going to do but not on unexpected events.
Actually, In our life we face events unexpectedly. THE birth or death, a profit or loss, friend
or foe, good or bad etc... we don't know, assume, predict or prevent them.
For example, you play volley ball and hit the ball. After your hit, your action will come to an
end. you can't predict accurately that how will the opposite team react? They may block ,
hit forcefully or fail to tackle. That's the main reason, why the games are so interesting!
As in game, in our life also the fate ball may fall in our right side,left side,front or back.
we should always be ready to face it. If you fail because of your fault then try to correct
yourself. If you miss the victory after your excellent performance don't worry that's the
probability. Try to accept the things as it is. Live the life as a game.
If you do not have interest in probability theories of science and you are a spiritual
worm ,then in spiritual view also we have positive attitude. Science only talks about
probability, but it doesn't explain why it is happening in the universe. Science simply
narrates that the man and the universe are the results of an accident, big bang.
All the religions have the faith that, these probability events are pre planned by the
almighty. They believe that, Almighty makes birth and death to trail mankind to show
the world which are good in deeds. So every faith advises human to be patient in the
unexpected events. That's why they are praying "oh God!grant me the serenity to accept
the things which I can't change. Grant me the courage to change the things I can .Grant
me the wisdom to know the difference".
We may accept science or spiritual but be positive always.
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