Jayaram, who was the chief guest at the ninth anniversary celebrations of Prathyasha, a non-governmental organisation working in RCC for the welfare of cancer-afflicted children on Saturday, was so moved by the young stricken faces around him that he vowed to make it his life’s mission to work for the welfare of these children.
His mission:
“I will carry these faces with me wherever I go and from today, my mission will be to generate as much funds as I can for the care, well-being and rehabilitation of young cancer patients,” Jayaram said.
He promised to set up a foundation for the welfare of child patients at the cancer centre.
The actor also vowed to contribute regularly a part of his earnings from all stage shows and other programmes towards the foundation.
He kicked off this initiative on Saturday itself by contributing Rs. 1 lakh.
Jayaram, who posed for photographs with the children, said he would lead fund-raising campaigns and solicit donations from all possible sources to promote the cause of cancer-afflicted children.
RCC sources said Jayaram had promised to be part of the cancer awareness programmes led by the RCC and to promote Cancer Care for Life, a medi-claim scheme floated by RCC to help raise funds for the treatment of poor patients.
-Re Published (Thanks to The Hindu)
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