Karbonn has launched the A21 and A9+ Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich smartphones in India for Rs 11,990 and Rs 9,990. Notably both devices use dual-core 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processors and have Dual-SIM capabilities.
The A21 features a 4.5-inch display with a qHD resolution of 960×540 pixels, while the A9+ on the other hand has a smaller 4-inch display with a WVGA resolution of 800×480 pixels.
Besides this, both the devices tout a wide array of features like 5-megapixel rear cameras, 1.3-megapixel front facing cameras, 3G support, 512 MB of RAM, and microSD card support. The A21 has a 1,800-mAh battery, and the A9+ has a 1,420-mAh battery.
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