An engineer by profession but an author from heart, Mr. Subhasis Das is presently working with Reliance Telecommunications. His two books “Bowled and beautiful” & “Mom says no to Girlfriend” are very simple but have a realistic approach. Many youngsters would have definitely related to Sam’s (from Mom says no to girlfriend) character and his point of view. The dilemmas, anxieties, outlook, and perception of the character reflect the disparity in the generation of today’s time. Bet this is one story with which quite a few youngsters must have related themselves.
Generally, it is seen that while going to engineering colleges, students are over-burdened with their vast syllabuses, assignments, exams, training sessions, and that is why, they find it difficult to devote their time to their hobbies. But unlike such students, Mr. Subhasis Das kept alive his love for his hobby by writing scripts, acting and directing plays during college events and won accolades for his performances in painting competitions, quiz competitions, debates, essay and short story writing competitions. Energetic and soft spoken, he is the kind of person who always wants to remain connected with his readers. He is one of my favorite authors, and here is a brief conversation with him about his writing achievements.
Generally, it is seen that while going to engineering colleges, students are over-burdened with their vast syllabuses, assignments, exams, training sessions, and that is why, they find it difficult to devote their time to their hobbies. But unlike such students, Mr. Subhasis Das kept alive his love for his hobby by writing scripts, acting and directing plays during college events and won accolades for his performances in painting competitions, quiz competitions, debates, essay and short story writing competitions. Energetic and soft spoken, he is the kind of person who always wants to remain connected with his readers. He is one of my favorite authors, and here is a brief conversation with him about his writing achievements.
VP: From Engineer to author, how has the transition been so far?
Mr. Das: I will not call it a transition, I am an engineer and I am happy to be an engineer. Writing is my hobby and my books are getting published, but I never consider writing as my profession.
Mr. Das: I will not call it a transition, I am an engineer and I am happy to be an engineer. Writing is my hobby and my books are getting published, but I never consider writing as my profession.
VP: If needed to choose between being an author or an engineer, what would you choose?
Mr. Das: Engineer, of course. Above all, I am an engineer first. I am earning my bread and butter from this profession and I love to be an engineer.
Mr. Das: Engineer, of course. Above all, I am an engineer first. I am earning my bread and butter from this profession and I love to be an engineer.
VP: How did writing happen?
Mr. Das: I was a bit poor in English. So in order to improve my English, I used to write diary in my school days. When I reached college, I had written around six diaries. My friends read them and they suggested me to go for writing.
Mr. Das: I was a bit poor in English. So in order to improve my English, I used to write diary in my school days. When I reached college, I had written around six diaries. My friends read them and they suggested me to go for writing.
VP: So how was Subhasis Das as a student?
Mr. Das: During school, I was studious and sincere, but during college, I was ambitious and had become naughty. But from school to college, I was an average student.
Mr. Das: During school, I was studious and sincere, but during college, I was ambitious and had become naughty. But from school to college, I was an average student.
Mr. Das: People generally ask me this question and I always give the same answer. Writing is a good thing, if you want a career in it, then you can start writing with some light story, some story based on college, career or teenage love. You need to research the market and taste of the readers. Good story and good command on language are the two most essential tools for a good writing. So, they must have a good command on language.
VP: Please, tell us something more about your books.
Mr. Das: In all my books, Sam is the protagonist. In my first book, the protagonist is Sam. The first book is about his two-three years of college and teenage love. In my second book, Sam is out of his college and is growing mature. My third book, which is about to be published, is about his time in the corporate world.
Mr. Das: In all my books, Sam is the protagonist. In my first book, the protagonist is Sam. The first book is about his two-three years of college and teenage love. In my second book, Sam is out of his college and is growing mature. My third book, which is about to be published, is about his time in the corporate world.
VP: So, can we call it a series of book? Was your personal experience used in your writing as you also moved from college to the corporate world at the same time as Sam?
Mr. Das: Yes, you can call it a series of books. Maybe, I’ll write about arrange marriage or something like that in my next novel. And of course, my books are about my personal experiences because I write what I see in my day today life, in my surroundings. My stories are about people around me and about their life.
Mr. Das: Yes, you can call it a series of books. Maybe, I’ll write about arrange marriage or something like that in my next novel. And of course, my books are about my personal experiences because I write what I see in my day today life, in my surroundings. My stories are about people around me and about their life.
VP: Who are your favorite authors?
Mr. Das: I always read Indian writers like Chetan Bhagat, Novoneel Chakraborty, Rajashree, Durjou Datta and Tushar Raheja. Among foreign writers, I read only Nicholas Sparks.
Mr. Das: I always read Indian writers like Chetan Bhagat, Novoneel Chakraborty, Rajashree, Durjou Datta and Tushar Raheja. Among foreign writers, I read only Nicholas Sparks.
VP: Your message to your readers?
Mr. Das: Never judge a book by its cover. Always look for author’s quality. Always go for quality reading.
Mr. Das: Never judge a book by its cover. Always look for author’s quality. Always go for quality reading.
Kirti Singh
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