Hazare’s Fast has brought many Great yet forgotten heroes back into the Media glare. Touted as the modern day Gandhi, Anna has projected to the world, one of the most unconventional modes of protest (through peaceful means); which has in fact had a greater impact on the Country than the arsenic revolts!
According to Gramsci, Gandhi was the perfect paradigm of an Organic Intellectual, and for the 21st Century India, Anna Hazare is one such man! His techniques of protest are humble and organic, something that speaks to every specter of the Indian Society! He has been instrumental in reviving the Oral Traditions of India such as chants, hymns and other modes of dialogic protests!
This form of protest is juxtaposed with the despotic and oppressive power of the Indian Society! The Country is visibly divided between the followers of the Traditional and the Organic Intellectuals! The Politicians following the former and the Citizens swearing by the latter!
This form of protest is juxtaposed with the despotic and oppressive power of the Indian Society! The Country is visibly divided between the followers of the Traditional and the Organic Intellectuals! The Politicians following the former and the Citizens swearing by the latter!
Ideologically, the Country is being oppressed by the seemingly ‘meek’ words of our Hon’ble Prime Minister who has vehemently criticized Hazare’s mode of protest! Repression has followed in the face of Hazare’s arrest and the refusal to provide him with a venue for his ‘anshan’!
Although Hazare’s protest has been met with innumerable obstacles, it has given tremors to the very fabric of the Indian Society! The people of the Nation have come out in full force to support his cause! They have realized the hegemony they were in and are supporting him for a counter-hegemonic Revolution!
Ironically, such a revolt falls one day after the Country had attained Independence about 65 years ago! Sadly the country has receded from its path of progress and has fallen prey to the neo-colonial clutches of corruption, bureaucracy and dishonesty! Hazare’s attempt has revived the country from its dormancy! This should not be allowed to fade away! It is about time the Nation realizes its worth and starts giving due respect to people like Hazare!
Sadly, the protest has not had the ideal start yet again! Hazare, Kiran Bedi and Arvind Kejriwal have been detained by the Delhi police in the wee hours of 16th morning, and have been detracted from their agenda again! This however will not dampen the Nation’s spirit and will continue to follow the ethereal presence of Hazare!
Garvita Khybri
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