The sturdy bamboo tree takes years in waiting before actually shooting up to great heights. Trees that can weather the storm grow tall and strong, provide a roosting place for birds. To have a rich and fulfilled life one might have to tread the difficult path . It is the man in the middle of turbulence who experiences the enthusiasms, temptations and triumphs , friendships and faithfulness.
Knowing the value of
relationships, that source of understanding people, learning
tolerance, respect and regard . He comes out with real
satisfaction and joy, who knows what true accomplishment is
all about being in the thick of things and braving the storm .
It’s utter arrogance to look down on such sincere endeavor
even if it falls short of glory, instead we should hold such
feats as great leaps of faith and duty . In life we need strength
to face what comes and not speed to run away from our
problems. They are the fountainhead of all knowledge and
understanding .
The young should not be lured away into the wrong track.
Adults have a responsibility, if you cannot become a role model
just don’t corrupt small minds with seditious thoughts.
When betrayal is chosen over loyalty it is the community that
suffers. They need to believe in hard work as the hallmark of
strong character and self confidence, and not be enticed by
the quick fix agenda. Life’s lessons are not for those who
shun the rigor of discipline . No pain, no gain is not just a
truism, a life philosophy . Lessons from the past, the peace
of living by truth, and a deeper relationship with God are
not fast track goals. We should not be afraid to try, even if
you have to come short of the goal, for there are no mistakes
only experiences. You’ve indeed gained self confidence
in overcoming fear . And that’s a worthy prize. The old
adage ‘failures are the stepping stones to success’ cannot be
overstated It is better to fail than not having tried and tasted
neither victory nor defeat. There could be many reasons for
this attitude towards a counterfeit culture . The materialistic
world puts a premium on success, be it at any cost. There’s
wisdom in saying , Money for Life, and not Life for money
. Materialism that believes in a winner takes all culture,
which leaves little for those who struggle to stay afloat . It’s
not about winning , it’s playing well that matters. Has success
gone to your head . Do you become a big headed pompous
ass being so successful that you just cannot see yourself
losing. This can be a rather dangerous predilection to some,
when you wouldn’t mind doing anything to craft a victory.
Is the environment ill prepared to accepting failures. Good
creative companies encourage its employees to make
mistakes for they know the value of such a culture which
ultimately produces breakthrough innovations. Sometimes
the environment only throws up the wrong role models as
in a corrupt and contrived society that inhibits freedom to
exercise our free will . We should not lose faith in ourselves
and in God. Are we using our innate abilities to act with good
intent in carving out a just society. While all human behavior
springs from a mixture of good and evil, love and hate, it
is within our power to determine which shall prevail as we
journey through life . The price of living is responsibility and
this we shall not shun in order to leave this world a better place.
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