An Interview With the Mr.Funny in the Literary World - Author of the Best Selling Fiction LOSER- Dipen Ambalia

Firstly, I would like to begin with the most basic question, how did your journey with the pen begin?

I am a blogger first. I had a senior by the name Arun Rajamani; he was my idol in school. I used to write with ink pen because he used to write with ink pen.
So, when he
started blogging, the next question in my mind was "If Arun does blogging, then there must be something good about blogging and hence I
 started writing blogs. After writing some 50-60 blogs, i thought of giving myself a creative challenge and hence thought of writing a book. My first book is called 

When did you first consider yourself a writer, far from a blogger?: 
Writing a book was more out of giving myself a creative challenge. I started writing my first book in October 2009.

What inspired you to write your first book?: 
My father passed away in  2006. I wanted to do something in the memory of my father. So, I thought of writing a book and dedicating the book to my father.If he were alive, he would have been very very proud to see his son's second book (LOSER) become a national bestseller.  On the creative front, I would say that I always like to think what the people around me keep thinking in various situations. Like for eg: while I am waiting for a train to come, I look around and try to imagine what the guy with a blue suitcase must be thinking, what the beggar with no legs or arms must be thinking, what the guy with a red cap must be thinking, etc. So, in my first book  "In Their Shoes..." I have tried to get into the shoes of 17 very ordinary people around us and tried to imagine their life.

What books have highly influenced your life?: 

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?: 

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?: 

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?: 

Can you share a little of your current work with us?: 
I am working a comedy called "Life of jigness orkutbhai patel". Its a funny story about a person called Jigness Patel.

Do you have to travel much concerning your books?: 
Nope. I use my observation and imagination to write any story. If you have a keen sense of observation, you 
can find a story in any person around you.

What was the hardest part of writing your book?: 
Keeping every chapter unique and equally entertaining is a very difficult task.

Do you have any advice for other writers? : 
Never ever ever ever give up on your dream of coming up with a book. Writing a book is like preparing for a marathon.  You need to practice a lot before you can actually start writing a book. Write blogs on any and every topic that you can think of. After writing some 50-60 blogs,  you will realize what "your" style is and then you can think of a concept for your book. This is when the real struggle begins! Out of 100 people you know,  95 will laugh at you and your stupid idea of writing a book. But there will be other 5 people who will believe on your work. Keep writing for yourself 
and for those 5 who yearn to read your work. Keep writing, keep learning and one day will come when those 95 will come and applaud your work! The satisfaction that you will get that day is just ineffable. I can tell you this from my personal experience. 

Finally, Do you have anything specific that you want to say to our readers (The TeenMag)? :  
If you want something in life, go get it. Period.
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