I used to be a good English student till my 10th standard, but then delved into my engineering exam
preparation for the next 2 years, so could not continue. Finally someone knocked in my life in the 1 st year
of my college life and one day I wrote a small article ‘Life-the 2 sides’ and my crush called me for the first
time and praised me a lot and from then I started writing regularly and posting them on my facebook profile
and tag her, she fuelled my faith and inspired me, encouraged me and finally planted that seed of faith that
someday I will be able to write a book and get published.
When did you first consider yourself a writer, far from a blogger?
Well, I Never was a blogger, I just used to post my notes, long long notes and tag my facebook friends in them, bugging them to leave their feedbacks, the consistent 2 years of writing paid off and I realized that How far I reached from where I started, practise certainly makes a man better.
What inspired you to write your first book?
There was a synergy of many factors that propelled to explore this topic more, initially it was just out of curiosity but then I realized, no matter how honest you are, how devoted you are, until and unless you don’t present yourself in the right manner, you won’t be able to strike a chord in the heart of the one you have a crush upon, just like it’s the presentation that pulls us towards a particular product in the market so goes for human beings, a personality and a persona is what is required to help you stand out of the crowd only then are you given a chance to show your caring nature to the one you like and secondly a close friend of mine was on the verge of suicide and I decided to do something to reach a nationwide audience to address this issue and this is why the biggest chapter of my book is dedicated to the same ‘Suicide-Is She/he Really worth it?’
I just hope that after reading that atleast a few people stop themselves from committing this sin.
What books have highly influenced your life?
Eleven Minutes was probably the first serious fiction that I read and I was inspired a lot by an all new dimension of thoughts Paulo Coelho had portrayed in it. Redefine Your Reality-Shafin De Zane is another one of the thought transforming book, that influenced me a lot.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
I haven’t read more than 7-8 international author, but whatever I have, Khalid Hosseini, Paulo Coelho and Shafin De Zane had a profound impact on my thought process. Oscar wilde and Ralph Waldo Emerson too had contributed a fair share.
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
‘A Thing beyond forever’ by Novoneel Chakraborty is one of the closest among all the Indian novels that I read so far, then there is Ravinder Singh whom I respect a lot as a person as well as an honest writer, who adds nothing just for the sake of it.
If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Nothing much, apart from striking off my name from the cover page, in case my grandparents stumble across the book back there :D
Can you share a little of your current work with us?
“You & Me & Our Relationship” is a NON-Fiction book upon Psychology of attraction, it’s discreetly a first ever attempt by an Indian writer to have a closer look at teenage relationships keeping aside all the psychological jargons and elaborating the things from day to day life experience to make it a relatable read, and since it’s we guys who need it more, I have written it as a male protagonist, but ofcourse the principles given inside are equally valid for girls too if they can just do a little homework of converting the gender of narration and Chapter 12 Female Mind Anatomy is my dedication to all the females who make life much more beautiful with their unpredictability.
Do you have to travel much concerning your books?
Apart from a TV & a Radio Interview, I couldn’t spare much time to travel, although there are plans for this July & August.
What was the hardest part of writing your book?
Well, the hardest part was, it’s always tougher to write a non fiction which can keep the readers spell bound, fiction has a story which despite being not so well told can manage to hold the reader for the climax, while in non fiction you have to keep that entertainment value and only your writing style, the examples, the one liners can help you sustain the reader’s attention span stick to your book. So I had to include some clichéd forward msgs which I personally didn’t want to, rest had to work harder upon explaining my points in a creative and fresh way, but it was all good, in the end I had a dream and a passion that kept me going.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
As a matter of fact I do, the more you read good quality literature, the better it would be for you, slowly and gradually that change in your writing style would be apparent and you would yourself be able to compare your past attempts at writing and your present words and sentence structure. AND another think, try to think out of the box, there is much more to write about than your own college/school love story (although someday I would like to tell mine too :P ) but yes a writer should always try to expand his domain and attempt a versatile background plot.
Finally, Do you have anything specific that you want to say to our readers (The TeenMag)?
Certainly, I loved the website and so would you once you browse the various pages it has, it’s entertaining, its creative and it’s something you won’t mind spending your time at.
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