Few years back the whole universe was gaga over everything desi – anything from yoga to evergreen Bollywood was hot property. That India was virtually untouched by the erstwhile global meltdown, and had turned out to be the second fastest rising economy when most of the rich brats were striking the pit, had made people sit and notice. Fast-forward. 
The Indian Rupee, which earned sufficient worth to have its own symbol a few years back, has become as insignificant in the global market, asManmohan Singh’s leadership. Yet again “Indian” has become an international slogan, and to tap anything in the country, you need to sign an at-your-own-risk tag. So, what was incorrect?
Well, actually nothing did. Things only took the predictable route. The country has been an observer to many of these expectant moments in history, and the resulting miscarriages that rupture the hopeful fizz of national hopes. Back in 1947, when the century old independence effort yielded the much-valued freedom, this immense moment was eclipsed by the almost instant bloodbaths, the country was drowned in, during separation. But there were influential leaders, adequate enough to visualize a new, a young, self-motivated homeland; there was hope. The country’s womb has only deteriorated since, and the politicians (‘leader’ does not describe a ‘politician’ in India.) of today have not only become impotent to carry about any changes, but have merely lost any goal to carry the nation on their shoulders. So failures and disappointments are the conclusion of the day. An unwilling womb can only conceive an injurious, frantic offspring. And that is what India has become, it has been pushed down one of those toxic black holes yawning across the country, and there is no way you can get it out alive.
India, at present, is the case study these days in world-wide financial forums, on what ‘not’ to do with a growing economy. The chance that we had as a rising nation, to develop, has been lost; thanks to those who control our prize strings. The consensus is that poor administration of financial resources has led to the downgrading of rupee. There have been no practical economic or communal reforms in the past decade, so the hard earned rupee of citizens who worked to place the country in a reputable situation, are just as fruitless as the money they have been earning in. And now with our precious Finance minister, who unquestionably deserves the recognition and accolades for playing his role so remarkably well (in screwing the economic conditions) prepared to don the Presidential cap, all can see where we are headed; or Is it too dark?
-Nikhil Chandwani
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