Confused! Hardly few have heard of it and rarely anyone practice it. Staying in love or
falling in love? When you will understand the difference, you will never feel low.
Have you ever fallen in love in a train or a bus? You see a gorgeous girl while traveling
and you feel she is your soul mate. How many times have you followed her path or
thought of her on the same night before sleeping? It had happened with me too when
I followed a girl for almost an hour to lose her midway. While following her I lived
so many dreams with her. Her touch, her walk, her moves and so on…. However, she
disappears. At first, this will makes you feel empty and you’ll try to convince yourself
that you could’ve loved this person for longer than a night but you can’t. Some people
are just meant to make cameo appearances. Not every attraction is love. How many times
in those teen years, we have misguided ourselves thinking ‘I am in love’. Not every
person we like or love has to stick around. Sometimes it’s better to leave before you get
We never thought on the fact when we were born it took us some days to realize that the
woman who holds us often in her arms is our mother. So how can we fall in love with just
one look of him or her? Every relation strengthens with time. It’s an art.
Falling in love is a piece of cake. Then why is it that so few seem to stay in love? Falling
in love can be the start of a loving relationship, but lasting relationships don't just happen;
they grow. In many ways, nurturing a relationship is like tending a garden. Neglect it and
it dies. Understanding who actually your soul mate is, itself is a challenge. Most of us
fall in wrong relationships. Spending some time with your other half is the only solution.
You can’t act mature in your teen. Neither your other half is expecting you to be matured.
She expects your time. Your presence. Presence is not only spending physical time with
another person but also giving him or her, your undivided attention when you are with
him or her. It includes being sensitive to his/her feelings and aware of his/her needs. It
means not only hearing with your ears but, much more so, hearing with your heart.
Is one of your children a favorite?" I asked the father. With a tinge of embarrassment,
he admitted the "good" child was. This is the obvious cause of your son’s negative
behaviour. If we can see this and take the time to understand the real cause behind
their behavior instead of taking it personally and yelling back, we can go a long way in
strengthening our love relationships.
If we desire to stay in love, it is imperative that each of us accepts the responsibility for
resolving our inner conflicts that cause dissension in our present relationships. Love is
much more than a physical relationship. It is also an emotional relationship. The man
who ignores the emotional needs of his girlfriend and expects to receive a warm response
in bed is inviting frustration. Girls are not machines to be turned on at will. Sex starts
in the kitchen at six, not in the bedroom at nine. When we guys practice this we will
never create any complex situation in our relationship and land up cursing our girl. No
human is perfect. Similarly, true love is a commitment of one imperfect person to another
imperfect person. Treat your relation like a wine. Let it grow old and then the world will
admire it.
I leave it to you. Decide you want to fall in love or stay in love… Though she is not with
me, I am still in love with her. Unconditional love!
falling in love? When you will understand the difference, you will never feel low.
Have you ever fallen in love in a train or a bus? You see a gorgeous girl while traveling
and you feel she is your soul mate. How many times have you followed her path or
thought of her on the same night before sleeping? It had happened with me too when
I followed a girl for almost an hour to lose her midway. While following her I lived
so many dreams with her. Her touch, her walk, her moves and so on…. However, she
disappears. At first, this will makes you feel empty and you’ll try to convince yourself
that you could’ve loved this person for longer than a night but you can’t. Some people
are just meant to make cameo appearances. Not every attraction is love. How many times
in those teen years, we have misguided ourselves thinking ‘I am in love’. Not every
person we like or love has to stick around. Sometimes it’s better to leave before you get
We never thought on the fact when we were born it took us some days to realize that the
woman who holds us often in her arms is our mother. So how can we fall in love with just
one look of him or her? Every relation strengthens with time. It’s an art.
Falling in love is a piece of cake. Then why is it that so few seem to stay in love? Falling
in love can be the start of a loving relationship, but lasting relationships don't just happen;
they grow. In many ways, nurturing a relationship is like tending a garden. Neglect it and
it dies. Understanding who actually your soul mate is, itself is a challenge. Most of us
fall in wrong relationships. Spending some time with your other half is the only solution.
You can’t act mature in your teen. Neither your other half is expecting you to be matured.
She expects your time. Your presence. Presence is not only spending physical time with
another person but also giving him or her, your undivided attention when you are with
him or her. It includes being sensitive to his/her feelings and aware of his/her needs. It
means not only hearing with your ears but, much more so, hearing with your heart.
Is one of your children a favorite?" I asked the father. With a tinge of embarrassment,
he admitted the "good" child was. This is the obvious cause of your son’s negative
behaviour. If we can see this and take the time to understand the real cause behind
their behavior instead of taking it personally and yelling back, we can go a long way in
strengthening our love relationships.
If we desire to stay in love, it is imperative that each of us accepts the responsibility for
resolving our inner conflicts that cause dissension in our present relationships. Love is
much more than a physical relationship. It is also an emotional relationship. The man
who ignores the emotional needs of his girlfriend and expects to receive a warm response
in bed is inviting frustration. Girls are not machines to be turned on at will. Sex starts
in the kitchen at six, not in the bedroom at nine. When we guys practice this we will
never create any complex situation in our relationship and land up cursing our girl. No
human is perfect. Similarly, true love is a commitment of one imperfect person to another
imperfect person. Treat your relation like a wine. Let it grow old and then the world will
admire it.
I leave it to you. Decide you want to fall in love or stay in love… Though she is not with
me, I am still in love with her. Unconditional love!
About Sudeep Nagarkar:
Sudeep Nagarkar is the bestselling author of Few Things Left Unsaid & That's The Way We Met. He has a degree in Electronics Engineering from Mumbai. His books are inspired from real- life incidents. He never dreamed of becoming an author, but turned into one for his love. Apart from writing, Sudeep is a music enthusiast and loves to spend time with his friends.
Sudeep Nagarkar’s books are based on real life incidents. His first book ‘Few Things Left Unsaid’ which released last year sold above 2 lakhs making Sudeep Nagarkar one of the finest writers in India in fiction category. His recent release ‘That’s The Way We Met’ was released with huge hype all over and was an instant hit amongst the youth. His both books are topping in the best sellers lists on various websites and book stores.
Sudeep Nagarkar resides in Mumbai and has a loyal fan base who are connected with him through facebook. His books are getting translated into regional language and first book is due release in November which is translated into Marathi. He will soon interact with crowd in Bangalore literature festival to be held in December. He has given seminars in different colleges in Mumbai. His books are even appreciated by the Bollywood Legend Amitabh Bacchan.
Grab Your Copies of his two National Best Sellers:
His Books:
Aditya and Riya could never imagine life without each other. Since their accidental meeting two years ago, they have been inseparable until an unexpected tragedy promises to change the course of their lives forever. Will their love stand the test of time?
From the intoxicating rush of Mumbai and Delhi to the scenic beauty of Manali, Sudeep Nagarkar will take you on an unforgettable journey through life and love.
'Few Things Left Unsaid' by Sudeep Nagarkar is an account of how reckless and impulsive behavior can mess up your entire life. How important it is to value your love and life? The author narrates these facts of life through his protagonist, Aditya.
Few Things Left Unsaid deals with the reckless and unclear attitude confronted at a very young age. Aditya, the protagonist of the book, is one among the confused crowd. He's unclear about his ambitions or goals in life. He hates engineering from the core of his heart, but destiny has other plans for him as he ends up in an engineering college. Aditya's search for true love comes alive when he runs into Riya, but he loses her too because of his rude behavior. Life takes a U-Turn for Aditya as he doesn't know how to deal with his life now. Will he pay a huge price for messing up his life now? If he has to mend his ways, how does he do it? Aditya's reckless decisions and lack of clarity in vision mess up both Riya's and his life.
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