Last week Apple slashed prices of the iPhone 4 8GB (Rs 28,300) and the iPhone 4S 16GB (Rs 41,500), as was exclusively reported by BGR India. However, considering that price of the iPhone 4S, we would expect the iPhone 5 to start from Rs 49,000 for the base 16GB model and cross Rs 60,000 for the top-end 64GB variant. But today Apple has slashed the prices of the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S further, which hints at an aggressive pricing plan for the upcoming iPhone 5 launch. We have been able to confirm from multiple sources and even checked prices in the market that the iPhone 4 8GB variant is now priced at Rs 26,500 and the iPhone 4S 16GB at Rs 38,500.
Keeping in mind these prices and Apple’s historic pricing policies in India, we can hope for the 16GB variant of the iPhone 5 to be around Rs 45,000 and depending on how Apple hedges the US Dollar this year, we could actually even get the top-end 64GB model for well under Rs 60,000. But that’s simply our calculation and not anything that Apple has announced.
We are also expecting iPhones to be more readily available in the open market this time with the carriers out of the equation. However, most carriers are likely to come up with special data plans or tariff plans for the iPhone 5 like they do with flagship smartphones from Samsung, Nokia, Sony and HTC, among others.
We believe that the iPhone 5 launch could probably the most aggressive move Apple has made in India.
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