The holy month of Ramzan features holy fasts called rozas, which begin at dawn with sawn and end with iftar at sunset. The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Ramzan, is considered a time for purification and spiritual cleansing, wherein Muslims abstain from drinking, eating and sexual intercourse, during the duration of the fast. The sighting of the crescent moon marks the end of Ramzan and commences the celebrations of Eid Ul Fitr, which sees Muslims wear skullcaps and new burqas to offer the Salaat (special Eid prayer) at a mosque. They later celebrate Eid lavishly with siwaiyaan and biryani and engage in the exchange of eidis (eid gifts). As Ramzan reaches its end and Muslims gear up to celebrate Eid, HT City gets talking to young urban Muslims about the importance that Ramzan and Eid hold for them.
Meantion Ramzan to Nishant Akhtar, a 24-year-old media student from Sector 39, and her face lights up as she says, "Ramzan is a very important part of being a Muslim. During this month, various changes in ones sleeping, eating and drinking pattern have to be made.
I keep all the fasts and try to follow all the rules. But with hectic schedules, studies and worldly commitments, I only manage to read the namaz twice a day (instead of the mandatory five)."
Rubina Khan, 22, a student of post-graduation at Panjab University, agrees, "Ramzan for me is a time to abstain from all wrong things, forgive people who have done wrong and change my lifestyle for the better.
For me, it is a time when I remember Allah, which sort of cleanses me spiritually. I basically try to make up for the missed prayers and visits to the mosque during Ramzan."
While Mohammed Wasim Akram, 21, a student of MCom from PU, says, "I believe that if one decides to keep rozas during the holy month of Ramzan, one should do it properly - either follow all the dos and don'ts, or don't keep the fasts at all. I personally enjoy the iftar (the meal with which Muslims open their day's fast) with friends and family the most. It's that time of the year when everyone gets together during the evenings to have a gala time."
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