Amitabh Bachchan last met Yash Chopra on the legendary actor’s 70th birthday, at the party. The two were seen hugging each other warmly. But what exactly transpired between the heavyweights of B-town, we wonder.
Big B on his popular blog shared golden memories, his last moments with the fabulous filmmaker Yash Chopra. “I last saw him, as do you from the pictures above, on my birthday celebrations. He was indisposed and the doctors advised him rest, but he was insistent on coming over. He had made a commitment he said. He had been asked to speak, one among four others that did that evening, over the sit down dinner. His words still ring in my ear and what remains are the resonance of his goodness and feeling that he exuded towards me.
Apart from his praise on my work, what he cherished most, was that I had been a good son and above all a good human being. Not many have made such observation. It was a moving tribute,” blogged the senior Bachchan.
The superstar also shares the regret he holds in his heart about his favorite director. “I have just one regret with regard to him. For some months lately, he had been calling and telling me to drop by in the early hours of the morning as I returned from the gym for ‘just a chat – no work, no issues, just a chat’. I had promised him that I would, and I never was able to,” shares Amitabh Bachchan.
Big B on his popular blog shared golden memories, his last moments with the fabulous filmmaker Yash Chopra. “I last saw him, as do you from the pictures above, on my birthday celebrations. He was indisposed and the doctors advised him rest, but he was insistent on coming over. He had made a commitment he said. He had been asked to speak, one among four others that did that evening, over the sit down dinner. His words still ring in my ear and what remains are the resonance of his goodness and feeling that he exuded towards me.
Apart from his praise on my work, what he cherished most, was that I had been a good son and above all a good human being. Not many have made such observation. It was a moving tribute,” blogged the senior Bachchan.
The superstar also shares the regret he holds in his heart about his favorite director. “I have just one regret with regard to him. For some months lately, he had been calling and telling me to drop by in the early hours of the morning as I returned from the gym for ‘just a chat – no work, no issues, just a chat’. I had promised him that I would, and I never was able to,” shares Amitabh Bachchan.
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