The grand reception thrown by Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor and their respective families at the Taj Mahal hotel, Mumbai yesterday evening was indeed a star studded event. Close family members included Bebo’s father Randhir Kapoor and mom Babita, Saif’s son Ibrahim Ali Khan, sister Soha Ali Khan with beau Kunal Khemu, cousin Ranbir Kapoor with parents Neetu and Rishi Kapoor, Rajiv Kapoor and aunt Reema Jain.
Also spotted were Shahrukh Khan with wife Gauri Khan, Preity Zinta, Rani Mukerji, Arjun Kapoor, Fardeen Khan, Chunkey Pandey, Karan Johar with his mom Hiroo Johar, Tusshar Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Amrita Arora Ladak with hubby Shakeel Ladak, Atul Agnihotri, and Madhoo.
Bebo’s father Randhir Kapoor and uncle Rajeev kapoor stood at the gate and welcomed their mother Krishna Raj along with Ritu Nanda, Shweta Nanda and her son.
And because the reception was quite a grand affair, Saif-Kareena along with one of Saif’s uncle from London, his mom Sharmila Tagore , sisters Saba and Soha and Kunal Khemu were seen checking out the arrangements in the afternoon to make sure that they’re all set for the glittering evening.
Now, the traditional Muslim style wedding and dawat is all set to take place at the Pataudi palace. Must say, the Saif-Kareena wedding is a private but elaborate affair!
Stay clued in to this space, dear BollywoodLifers, for more dope on Saifeena’s wedding!
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