YouTube releases iOS app just in time for iPhone 5 and iOS 6


YouTube has released its stand-alone iOS app in the App Store. The move comes after Apple yanked YouTube off iOS 6, which Apple is expected to show in detail tomorrow along with the iPhone 5. Prior to this, YouTube was a pre-installed app on all iOS devices. The new app is customized for iPhone and iPod touch. YouTube says it will release an iPad optimized app in the coming months.
The iOS app has a channel guide that users will be able to access by swiping the screen from the left edge to reveal all the options. The app also does predictive suggestions in search mode and users can share videos over Google+, Twitter, Facebook, e-mail and message.
The move is likely to impact the number of users for YouTube as it will no longer be installed in iOS devices by default. However, this would enable it to serve ads in videos to people who install the app on the devices, something it could not do earlier. We are sure Google won’t mind this one bit.
Users can download the YouTube app for iOS here.

-Rajat Agrawal

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